Friday, March 17, 2006

spring break...

Hi again. I just got done with my papers and such (well, the rough drafts anyhow), which is kind of a nice feeling. I'm going to say screw class tomorrow, I'll just go to work. Something tells me that could be a bad idea, as my boss is likely to be there and things could get interesting, to say the least, as he and I don't get along all that terribly well.

I have to have my wisdom teeth removed over spring break... and study for 2 exams... and write more papers (the final drafts)... and did I mention probably sleeping a lot due to the massive amounts of painkillers they're likely to put me on due to the teeth?

Class registration is coming... I hope that I register early enough (and get the paperwork submitted soon enough) that I can get the schedule I like... 3 classes this summer, 5 this fall, and 4 the following 3 semesters until graduation, with the summer before senior year free to find an internship or teach or study abroad or do some such thing. Yay for transfer credits! But we'll see... this may be some kind of unpleasant April Fools' sort of thing that this crazy place is trying to put over on my addled brain...

So until I feel better from the teeth... and have stopped seething about my supervisor... and have finished my papers and my studying...

I bid you all good night and good cheer.



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